Cincinnati Awarded $25 Million Federal Grant for Streetcar Project
CINCINNATI — Mayor Mark Mallory received a call from US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood this morning to announce that Cincinnati has received a $25 million federal Urban Circulator grant for the Streetcar project. The grant brings the total funding committed to the Streetcar project to $114.5 million and will allow the City to begin construction on the project.
“This is great news for Cincinnati. Having the federal government come in as a partner on our Streetcar shows that we have one of the best plans in the country,” Mayor Mark Mallory said. “This is why it is important to go out and engage decision makers directly. Secretary LaHood told me that we got this grant because of the leadership that we showed in pursuing this money.”
“The support for this project coupled with waterfront development, casino and other development projects proves that Cincinnati is in a growth mode,” said Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney. “We are very pleased about today’s announcement.”
The US Department of Transportation announced $293 Million for New Transit Solutions this morning. Over 60 cities applied for funding through the Urban Circulator program. Only four other cities received the maximum streetcar grant: St. Louis, Fort Worth, Charlotte, and Chicago.
Total Streetcar Funding:
Urban Circulator — $25 million
City Funding — $64 million
State TRAC grant — $15 million
Sale of streetlights to Duke Energy — $6.5 million
OKI CMAQ grant — $4 million
Total — $114.5 million