Where Downtown Meets Over the Rhine

The Your Negro Tour Guide Team

Caught the opening night performance of Your Negro Tour Guide.  I enjoyed Torie Wiggins performance as she brought life and characters to Kathy Y Wilson’s collection of articles/observances of life in Cincinnati from someone who grew up as an outsider.  It was nice to see Torie’s one-woman performance as she shuffled through different characters and have Gavin Lawrence’s one-man performance of Thurgood fresh in my mind.  It served as a reference as to what one person performances are normally like.  Really different material for the two actors but two inspiring performances.

After the opening performance of Your Negro Tour Guide, Kathy Y. Wilson, Torie Wiggins, and Jeff Griffin (the play’s director) held a talk back session.  Kathy owned the stage but it was nice to hear the trio talk about the collaboration and how it all came together and how it evolves as they all contribute to advance the play.  I think the collaboration is important – while the articles were Kathy’s, the play is now available for all outsiders to make their own.  Tailor it – own it.  The play reminds me of that Red House Painters’ song Cruiser – the beat is there, the story is not quite mine, but I understand that feeling.  The Tour Guide is speaking to me and about me but she’s never met me.


Performances are:  Saturday Night 10:30pm after Thurgood at 8 pm

Sunday and Monday the 24th & 25th @ 7:30.

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