Where Downtown Meets Over the Rhine

Choirs Festival in Over-The-Rhine to Reboot 160 year tradition.

Saengerfestival returns to OTR December 14th & 15th!

Looking for a way to capture the excitement of the World Choir Festival American Legacy Tours joined with KellyAnny Nelson from Choral Collective, the Over-The-Rhine Foundation, Four Churches, and Greg Hardman to create the Christmas Saengerfestival.

“Saengerfestival’s were German American choir festivals, these festivals started in Over-The-Rhine around 1849.  They would be held in different cities throughout the United States that were typically held during the spring.  The thing is, we think a choir festival will be a bit more fun in the Winter.”  Said Dave Kohake, co-owner of American Legacy Tours..

The festival will be held December 14 and December 15 and feature some of the best choirs in the area including the Men’s Choir, MLK Choir, Muse, Cincinnati Sound, and about 12 others.  The choirs will each perform twice during the festival.

“In addition to hearing great music, we want people to take in the neighborhood and churches.  Last year we moved around on our tours in the cold, but we think doing this at night around Washington Park with the area lit up from the Annual Light UP OTR is going to be really special.” Said Mac Cooley, tour developer.

In addition to taking great music, each venue will offer food or crafts.  One of the highlights will St. Francis which will be open to visitors between performances.  St. Francis will also be running their holiday market inside Christian Moerlien’s Brewery, where patrons can get food and beer and also get a sneak peak at Christian Moerlein’s new production area.

“St. Francis open house was really the inspiration for doing things during the Holiday season, Brother Tim and the rest of the Franciscans do such an amazing job we knew people would want to see the Church at Christmas.” Said Kohake.

For more information on the festival go to www.christmassaengerfestival.com

Media Contact:

Jerome Gels


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